OK Google is no more, Chatting up your Google Assistant just got easier

Goole Assistant rolls out a new feature  Enabled Continued Conversations

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 Google Assistant became a part  in our daily  life . There was a new update today . changes many things. There's a new Google Assistant update available today, and it's going to make issuing voice commands to the AI assistant a lot less tedious. Continued Conversation, first shown at Google IO in May, allows Google Assistant to automatically listen for followup commands after it answers the first question or command. This means you won't have to say "OK, Google" before every question or command in natural 
conversation. The Continued Conversation ends when you say, "thank you," or "stop," or when Google Assistant detects no speech for 8 seconds. The feature allows users to ask a question to Google Assistant and then follow it up with another question, a reminder or ask the assistant to add an item to the shopping list without having to use the trigger terms — "OK Google" or "Hey Google" — every time.

                The Google Assistant has many strengths but one of its great weaknesses is that you have to precede every interaction with the “Hey Google” or “OK Google” wake-up call. Google promised a solution in the form of Continued Conversation at last May’s I/O conference and now it’s finally rolling out to Google’s line of Home devices in the US. You can talk to the Assistant as long as you like without preceding every query by a wake-up phrase if Continued Conversation is toggled on. An interaction with the Assistant must still be started with a wake-up call but after that, the Assistant will remain active waiting for another command. Once active, anyone in the room can interact with the Assistant without having to repeat the wake-up phrase. Also announced Continued Conversation at I/O as an optional setting which lets you have a natural back-and-forth conversation with the Assistant without repeating “Hey Google” for each follow-up request. The newfeature is starting to roll out today, and you can turn it on in the Google Assistant app by going to Settings → Preferences → Continued Conversation and hitting the toggle. With Continued Conversation turned on, after you ask the Assistant a question, you can ask a follow-up, set a reminder, or add something to your shopping list without having to say “Hey Google” each time. You can say “thank you” or “stop” once you’re done, or we’ll end the conversation once we detect that you’re no longer talking to the Assistant. You’ll still need to activate your Assistant devices with “Ok Google,” “Hey Google,” or with a physical trigger, but with this new optional setting turned on, the Assistant will stay active for long enough to respond to follow up questions so you don't have to say “Hey Google” as often. So next time you wake up and the skies are grey, just ask “Hey Google, what’s the weather today?”... “And what about tomorrow?”... “Can you add a rain jacket to my shopping list”... “And remind me to bring an umbrella tomorrow morning”...“Thank you!”.  Google updated in their blog post. Continued Conversation doesn’t work when the Home device is being used for a phone call, is playing media, or when an alarm or timer is going off. Users can turn the feature on, on their Google Assistant enabled devices, by going to 'Settings'. Then, users must enter 'Preferences' and hit the toggle on the Continued Conversation option. This feature is now available only in the United States . 

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